Pet Parenting / 4 March 2016

A Guide to What Your Dog’s Tail Wags Really Mean

When it comes to how a dog communicates, a dog’s tail is one of the most effective means of telling you how it’s feeling.

The way that they wag can have so much meaning. While cats can often communicate through purring, the way that dogs can share how they’re feeling isn’t as vocal and is based more in their movements according to Psychology Today. People often assume that if a dog is wagging their tail then it means that they’re happy, but this isn’t always the case!

The wag is like a language unto itself. Since it’s intended to be a signal, dogs do not tend to wag their tails in the same way if there’s no one around to see it. As long as there is a either a human, another dog, another cat, etc. around then the way that they wag their tails holds meaning to how they’re feeling. Think of it as how people don’t tend to talk when there’s no one around to hear it.

Depending on how high your dog is holding their tail also has meaning. If your dog’s tail is raised higher than your dog is alert and feeling more dominating. If the tail is lower, your dog is feeling more submissive and could be worried or not feeling well. A tail that’s more in the middle indicates that your dog is feeling fairly relaxed. It’s comparable to judging someone’s tone of voice!

These are the most common tail movements and what they mean:

A Slight Tail Wag

This kind of tail wag is like a friendly hello from your dog. The tail wag has only a small breadth and is your dog’s way of saying a tentative hello or letting you know that it’s there for you.

A Broad Wag

This is the friendliest of the wags and you probably know this one well. This is your dog telling you that it’s pleased and happy. There’s no level of threat to this wag and if this wag drags your dog’s hips with it, it shows that they’re extra enthusiastic.

A Slow Wag

When the tail is at ‘half-mast’ it’s a signal that your dog is not feeling as social. It’s not a particularly dominant or submissive position and your dog may be feeling insecure at that moment.

Small, Fast Wag

If your dog’s tail is raised high and is making tiny, high speed movements then it’s a sign that your dog is about to do something. If they have a habit of taking off, it may be about to run. Your dog feels like there is a threat nearby and is about to react.

We know that many pet parents have an unspoken dialogue with their pets but tail-wagging is universal and these tips will help you understand their body language without a second thought.

Does your pet communicate with any nonverbal signs? Show them to us on Instagram!

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